the bronzes
the jades
the furnitures
the screens
the paintings
the porcelains
the terra cotta
the wood
stone sculptures

Chu Kingdom

Succeeded by the Zhou dynasties, Warring Kingdoms (475-221 BC).

Under Chu kingdom, the main concerns were the art of war and the rituals. With a strong shaman culture, wood was used for the first time to make funeral objects. The Chu’s used to live and die while surrounded by spirits with whom they constantly keeping relationship.

The wooden sculptures relate the place where the dead would have preferred staying after-life. As such we can find fabulous animals (like phoenix and chimera) and domestic ones (buffaloes, ducks, horses), servants’ pictures, female partners and courtesans.

The direct cutting technique of sculpting confers to these wooden articles a powerful expressiveness, enhanced by the artisan’s special care, so that their last owner (You ?) is given eternity thanks to their sacred aspects.


Couple of wooden Ming Qi

Chu Kingdom IVth century BC


Court Lady

Chu Kingdom IVth century BC (Warring States period 475-221 BC)


Pair of wooden figures

Chu kingdom Vth BC (Warring States period 475 - 221 BC)

The opium - Chu Kingdom - The scholar’s rocks - Padmasambava or Guru Rimpoché
The Han dynasty - The Ming dynasty - The Tang dynasty - The Yuan dynasty
The Cizhou ceramic - The “bi” disc

41 Bld des Moulins - 98000 Monte-Carlo - Tel + (377) 93 30 81 28 - Fax + (377) 93 50 07 83
Contact : Eric Marchetti -

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